KiwiSaver providers
At glimp, we’re fully committed to finding you the best KiwiSaver scheme so that you can start saving for the future. We compare the best KiwiSaver providers in NZ by the different plans available and we break it down for you so that you can understand what each provider offers. From SuperLife to Simplicity to Fisher Funds and more, we’ll show you KiwiSaver schemes to suit everyone’s needs.
How does our KiwiSaver comparison work?
Choosing the right KiwiSaver plan today helps you prepare best for you and your family’s future. But with so many KiwiSaver providers, schemes and investment plans to choose from, it can be difficult to figure out which KiwiSaver scheme is best for you. Here’s how our KiwiSaver comparison works.
We’ll help prepare you for the risks
KiwiSaver schemes are grouped according to varying levels of investment risks. Risks can range from low, medium to high risk investments, in either income or growth assets or both. Growth assets normally set the tone for these risks are they are liable to having more ups and downs along the way. Figuring out what level of risk you’re comfortable with can determine how long you’ll leave your KiwiSaver scheme untouched, and how much returns you’d like to expect by the end of your investment period.
We pay attention to fees and services
KiwiSaver providers charge varying amounts of fees and offer different services. Fees are taken out from our returns – the more fees you pay, the less returns you’ll get. However, if your provider does the job well, you may get more back than you put in. It’s all about finding a balance that’s right for you. Our KiwiSaver comparison tool helps you decide which KiwiSaver scheme will give you exactly what you pay for – and more!
KiwiSaver performance comparison
At the end of the day, it all boils down to performance – how did a particular KiwiSaver scheme perform? What were the return values? What’s the estimated investment growth? Getting the most returns out of your investment is what it’s all about. The glimp KiwiSaver comparison tool provides accurate and reliable data on how well different KiwiSaver schemes have performed. Since we can’t predict the future when it comes to performance, it’s all about consistency.
Start saving for the future
By preparing for the future, you and your family will thank yourself in years to come when you’re able to afford that flash new house or get that early retirement that’s you’ve always dreamt of. When you compare KiwiSaver schemes with glimp, you’re able to find the right plan for you that will help you get to your future goals sooner.
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Types of KiwiSaver schemes
The cash KiwiSaver scheme, also called the ‘defensive’ plan, is the safest scheme you can get in terms of risk. It’s asset allocation is 100% cash, meaning that there is little to no risk involved. While this lack of risk sounds like a good thing, it also means that there is less potential for growth within the plan, meaning the return you get is likely to be smaller. This type of plan is most ideal for people that are only a few years within reach of buying their first home or people that are close to retiring.
READ MOREThe middle road for those who want to strike a balance between risk and return, are the balanced KiwiSaver scheme. It’s perfect for people who are wanting a higher growth than defensive and conservative plans, but aren’t willing to put themselves through the high risk associated with growth and aggressive plans.
Balanced plans generally invest 50% into income assets and 50% into growth assets, providing a medium risk option - if you’re struggling to find the right balance between risk and growth, then you should consider this option.
READ MOREThe most aggressive and high risk plans called “aggressive plans” are available for those people who are willing to succumb to risk to be able to have the chance to make an even higher return. If you’re someone who has an appetite for risk, then these aggressive plans are the plans for you. These types of KiwiSaver schemes are mainly invested in growth assets - from 90% to 100%.
READ MOREFor the more risk averse people, the conservative KiwiSaver scheme is a plan that should definitely be considered. Leaning towards the income side rather than growth, the conservative plan aims to provide a safe investment with little growth. If you’re enrolled in KiwiSaver with a default provider, you’ll be automatically be put in this plan.
READ MOREA growth KiwiSaver scheme aims to inject ‘aggressiveness’ into KiwiSaver schemes by taking on more risk in exchange for the larger growth potential. This plan is more likely to experience ups and downs when it comes to the returns of the investment than the other plans, but the prospect of larger returns can make this a tempting investment. These plans suit people who are wanting a high return but won’t be tempted to switch when their KiwiSaver accounts go down. The money will ideally be left in the KiwiSaver account for at least 10 years as it’s more of a long term investment.
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