Compare solar panels

Compare the best solar panel costs from NZ’s leading providers.

Solar Panels in New Zealand

Solar panels are a cheap and cost-effective solution for powering your home. For as little as $8,000, you can get a 3kW solar power system in your household – and it comes with free installation too! If you want to save on your power costs in the long run, then don’t wait any longer and install solar panels in your home!

Compare Solar Panel Deals

Solar Panel System

Contrary to belief, a solar energy system isn’t that complicated at all! You just need to install solar panels and then purchase a solar battery (where the energy is stored). While it may take some time and investment to properly install the solar panels, it’s definitely worth it in the long run!

Top Solar Panel Providers in New Zealand
The good thing about solar panel systems in NZ is its availability nationwide! Wherever you are, there’s always a solar panel provider available to help with installation in your area. These providers offer clean ways to go solar, and at the most affordable rates in the market. Take a look at NZ’s top solar power providers and get their latest deals when you compare them here at glimp!



Genesis Energy is one of the top power providers in New Zealand. You can expect their power to be clean, efficient, and cheap! 

For residential: 0800-300-400
For business: 0800-600-900

Mercury Energy

Mercury Energy is one of the biggest providers in New Zealand that offers a wide range of renewable energy options. 

For residential: 0800-101-810
For business: 0800-201-820

Meridian Energy

Meridian Energy has set its vision on offering renewable energy options to Kiwis! Aside from solar, they also offer extensive plans for wind and hydro energies.



Trustpower is a simple option if you want to go solar in your home. It’s They are a straightforward solar power provider if you don’t want complicated plans and extras.



Powershop is one of the cheapest power companies in New Zealand. Plus, if you want additional options in your power, you only have to pay a little extra!

Nova Energy

Nova Energy is one of the pioneer power providers in New Zealand. Servicing Kiwis for over 60 years, you can expect comprehensive and accurate plans that will fit your needs.



What if you're still experiencing a power outage while your neighbours’ power has been restored?

The advantage of going solar is that you don’t have to worry about power outages! If you have a sufficient supply of power in your solar batteries, you can easily last through the outage. However, you may still need to contact your provider to know when the outage will be over. This will allow you to allocate your power wisely.

If you don’t want the hassle of power outages, going solar may be one of your best options. Installing solar panels can cost as low as $8000, and this investment will pay for itself over the coming years. If you want the best deal on quality solar panels in your home, compare solar power providers here at glimp.