MAS KiwiSaver

Founded in 1921 by doctors for doctors, the Medical Assurance Society (MAS) provide insurance, investment, and lending opportunities suited for medical professionals. Their financial services are also favorable for all Kiwis, as they provide seven different types of KiwiSaver funds. As they’re founded by doctors, you can rest assured that your money is invested ethically and responsibly. They are committed to serving all types of Kiwis, especially those in marginalised conditions. 

The MAS KiwiSaver scheme is suitable for everyone, including first home buyers and business owners. There’s bound to be one for you among the seven fund types that can help you achieve your financial goals. As MAS follows a responsible investing strategy, you can feel good knowing you’re investing in your future as well as helping ethically responsible companies grow. 

Whether you’re saving for a first home buy, your business, or your retirement - MAS KiwiSaver has a fund type that will suit your needs. Make your dream house and ideal retirement a reality with MAS KiwiSaver!

mas KiwiSaver scheme

Why enrol with MAS KiwiSaver?

You automatically become a member when you apply for a MAS KiwiSaver fund, as MAS are a membership-owned insurance and investment company that don’t make profit from external parties. You’ll be investing with a company that’s not profit-based, but community-based. Investing with MAS is financially fulfilling and sustainable, as all 500 companies they invest in qualify as having commendable environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices.

Giving you sustainable returns

MAS believe that investing in companies with good environmental, social and governance practices is also good for business, and helps to create a sustainable future. That’s why when you invest in a MAS KiwiSaver fund, you’ll not only reap good returns but sustainable returns as well. MAS’s key partners include BlackRock (international equities) and Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) (Australian equities), which are some of the world’s most influential investment institutions.

MAS KiwiSaver Funds NZ - Fees, Returns, Scheme

Cash Fund

With an aim to help you achieve a short-term and steady investment, this fund type has the least risk and lowest exposure to market volatility, as it only invests in cash and cash equivalents. If you’re planning to purchase your first home or to take out your funds within 2-3 years, then this fund type would work well for you.

Conservative Fund

If you want to take higher risks than a cash fund, while still playing it safe with income assets, then you can try the conservative fund, which invests 20% in growth assets. It’s suitable for Kiwis who want to achieve stability in the short to medium term with their capital returns.

Moderate Fund

If you’re willing to take some risks for moderate returns, then the moderate fund would suit you best, as you’ll invest 65% in income assets and 35% in growth assets. You’ll be taking risks in growth assets, but you’ll also have a safety pin in income assets.

Balanced Fund

The aim of this fund type is to provide you with an equal opportunity to experience only medium volatility and potential moderate returns in the medium run. It’s everything medium for this fund, as you’ll be investing 55% in growth assets while making sure that you’re stable with investments in income assets as well.

Growth Fund

If you don’t have any plans on withdrawing your investment in the next 7 to 10 years, then you should get a fund that invests 75% in growth assets, allowing you to achieve high returns. The growth fund is suitable for high-risk takers who are willing to have their investments be exposed to market volatility.

Aggressive Fund

If you’re willing to take it up a notch higher than a growth fund, the next thing to consider is an aggressive fund that invests in 85% growth assets. You’ll be taking higher risks with this fund, but the potential high returns will be worth it if you let your money sit and don’t withdraw it for a minimum of 10 years.

Global Equities Fund

100% of your investment will be allocated to growth assets with this fund type. While higher returns are possible, you need to make sure that you’re not significantly relying on your KiwiSaver, as a good investment period for a global equities fund is 10+ years.