Discover Cars don’t require a credit card to confirm your booking online. However, you’ll need to pay the full rental fee on pick up using a credit card for their financial security in case of unforeseen circumstances.
You can add other drivers provided that they also present their driver's licence before driving the rented vehicle. You may need to pay an additional driver fee on top of your car rental and sign the rental agreement before you start driving
You’ll be charged an administration fee plus the fine you received for any road violation committed. Discover Cars will charge your credit card directly for handling the penalty due to your violation. In case of a foreign driver, he must carry with him an international license or permit before he could rent a car, otherwise he’s not allowed to drive.
You can reduce the excess or collision damage payments in case of accidents by signing a Collision Damage Waiver upon pickup of your vehicle.
Simply enter your details on their webpage or compare car rental prices at glimp using our comparison tool that helps you choose the right car hire for you!